
Hyelim Cha (b. 1979) began her career with her first solo exhibition in 2006 at the Alternative Space LOOP, which she followed up with 22 solo shows, including three solo shows in Berlin, Germany, Audio Visual Pavilion, Seoul, Arts Council Korea Insa Art Space, Seoul, and at other various venues in South Korea and abroad. She also participated in an array of group exhibitions, including those at the Total Museum of Contemporary Art, Seoul, Märkisches Museum, Berlin, Seoul Olympic Museum of Art (SOMA), Seoul, Amorepacific Museum of Art, Seoul, OCI Art Museum, Soul, Gyeonggi Museum of Modern Art, Gyeonggi-do, Hangaram Art Museum, Seoul, Ilmin Museum of Art, Seoul, and more. Cha was recognized for her talent, receiving the 2013 SONGEUN Art Award Excellence Prize, and was invited for residency programs at Künstlerhaus Bethanien, Berlin, Akiyoshidai International Art Village (AIAV), Yamaguchi, Japan, Seoul Museum of Art (SeMA) Nanji Residency, Seoul, Gyeonggi Creation Center, Gyeonggi-do, Seoul Art Space Geumcheon, Seoul, and more. Her works are part of the National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art Art Bank, SeMA, Seo-Seoul Museum of Art, SONGEUN Art Foundation, and Incheon Foundation for Arts & Culture collections.

차혜림(b.1979)은 2006년 대안공간 루프에서의 개인전 ‘Hyper-Hybridization’을 시작으로 작업활동을 시작하였다. 이후 베를린에서 3회의 개인전을 비롯해 시청각랩, 한국문화예술위원회 인사미술공간 등 국내외에서 22여 회의 개인전을 개최했으며, 토탈미술관, Märkisches Museum(베를린), 소마미술관, 아모레퍼시픽 미술관, OCI 미술관, 경기도미술관, 예술의 전당 한가람미술관, 일민미술관 등 다수의 그룹전에 참여하였다. 2013년 송은미술대상 우수상을 수상했고, 퀸스틀러하우스 베타니엔(베를린), AIAV(일본), 난지미술창작 스튜디오, 경기창작센터, 금천예술공장 등의 레지던시 프로그램에 선정되었다. 차혜림의 작품은 국립현대미술관, 미술은행, 서울시립미술관, 서서울미술관, 송은문화재단, 인천문화재단 등에 소장되어있다.

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