03053 서울시 종로구 북촌로 125-6

125-6 Bukchon-ro, Jongro-gu, Seoul Korea

T +82 2 6263 2004 F +82 2 6263 2003
Tuesday-Saturday 11:00 ~ 18:00 Closed Sundays, Mondays
Since opening its doors in 2016, PIBI GALLERY has been recognized as one of leading contemporary galleries in Seoul, South Korea. Through its representational exhibition programs, PIBI GALLERY closely works with a different generation of Korean artists to privilege the dialogues between modern and contemporary art, encouraging the public to engage with their unique visual journeys.

While representing Kyojun Lee and Myungmi Lee, prominent figures of Korean experimental art movement in the 1970’s, PIBI GALLERY not only features the renowned mid-career artists such as Dongi Lee, a key figure of Korean Pop art, and Yang Ah Ham, a video installation artist who lives and works in various regions including Amsterdam, Turkey, New York and Seoul, but also introduces the talented young artists like Gyungsu An, Hyelim Cha, Chun Eun, Heeyoung Kim, Eunsun Lee, Jonggeon Lee, Seunghye Jung, and HyeIn Lee. Their artistic practices span a wide array of mediums, including painting, sculpture, installation, video installation, photography and new media, allowing PIBI GALLERY to offer the comprehensive and strategically curated solo exhibitions. In 2024, the gallery’s curated exhibitions further will explore the contemporary art scene, inviting new artists such as Hanna Kim, Minsu Kim, Mina Ham, Hyelim Cha and O-Bong Kwon.

PIBI GALLERY has also facilitated diverse platforms for art education and museum exhibition curation. Through “PIBI ACADEAMY,” the gallery creates the public education courses with art critics and professionals to provide a deeper understanding of contemporary art history as well as the art market. Furthermore, PIBI GALLERY has organized the notorious international artists’ museum exhibitions in Asia, including, Julian Opie at Suwon Museum of Art, Korea in 2017, Alex Katz at Daegu Art Museum, Korea in 2019, Fosun Foundation Art Center, Shanghai, China in 2020 and Alex Katz at Yuuhisai Koudoukan, Kyoto, Japan in 2023

Underlining the gallery’s artists’ career, PIBI GALLERY is also devoted to publishing the art publications ranging from monographs to artists’ books, critical writings, and interviews. The first publication was “DONGI LEE, Conversation with Art Critic Ryu Byeonghak” (2019), an in-depth conversation exploring the artistic world of the pioneer of Korean pop art. The following year, PIBI GALLERY produced the artist’s second book, “PENTAGON: DONGI LEE” (2021), and Kyojun Lee’s “Geometric Abstract Painting” (2022), which focuses on Lee’s long-standing explorations from his early experimental practices in the 1970’s to the ongoing development of his geometric abstract paintings.

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